You've somehow got here so it's my duty to guide you to some places I like. And with my poor memory I need a reference for myself.
Go on and browse the Web. It's kinda shit that nowadays all our activities are centered in one place like Facebook - make something, anything and send me a link, and I'll include that! (Probably).
Vive le web décentralisé!
- The best fucking satire and inspiration for this site's layout.
- No matter where you go, everybody's connected.
- Excerpts from coping with elite high school bullshit. (Polish)
- A tad about scanlines and how to put them on your 'site!
Forgive me for contravening the design of the best motherfucking website from the first link. But it's my fucking website, and I'll do whatever I want. - Haiku OS - an operating system. In my opinion, the pinnacle of operating systems GUI design. How come Linux can't get it this coherent? I would use it daily if not for lacking web support but what the guys achieved with such a small team is seriously impressive. Also if you want to learn about OS development or contribute to one, the source code and design is wonderfully clean!
- about:mnot - blog about Web from one of Web standards writer
- Home page of a guy who over timespan longer than my lifespan (lol) published guides to basically every visual novel on this planet.
Amazing. Also beautiful 90s homepage design with frames et al. (NSFW ads) (in Japanese) - Polish Route - visual novels translations to Polish. I participated for a while then got a bit crushed by life and disappeared. Sorry guys! But I wholeheartedly recommend their Katawa Shoujo translation along with the few files included I translated! Or to try the English-language original, I won't be mad. (in Polish)
- Future Gadgets Laboratory (in Japanese)
- Explaining Subarashiki Hibi’s Narrative - a blog with only one, but absolutely brilliant, post about philosophy behind Wonderful Everyday. Maybe one day they'll rise from the dead.